
Voting has now closed you’ll have the chance to decide the ultimate iconic brand via a live vote at our spectacular Diamond Anniversary Dinner in London, 27 November.

Tesco’s newly-appointed chief executive Ken Murphy, said recently that store experience is far more valuable in shaping brand perceptions than advertising. His words are reflected in the supermarket’s approach during lockdown, when it more than doubled its delivery capacity to accommodate 1.5 million online orders every week, serving around 670,000 vulnerable customers. In July, research from the Internet Advertising Bureau UK and YouGov named it as the brand that made the most positive contribution during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Tesco dealt effectively with some controversy over featuring halal meat in its ‘Food Love Stories’ with the Advertising Standards Authority seeing no reason for investigation. Tesco also delved into mental heath, encouraging children to eat more veg and defeat the defeat demons.